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Building One Another®

A Podcast About Encouragement

Stretch Out to Love Earnestly!


Building One Another  

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. I Thessalonians 5:11

Stretch Out to Love Earnestly!

Dear Friend

The apostle Peter offers this direct word, “Love one another earnestly from a pure heart!” I Peter 1:22

The word “earnest” carries the sense of reaching out eagerly and resolutely, like a runner racing to the finish line or a parent chasing a child wandering into danger.

So, this kind of earnest love for one another isn’t casual or necessarily easy. It’s focused, urgent unrelenting, exactly like God’s earnest love for us!

Note that Peter says we are to love earnestly from a pure hear, a heart with no agenda other than the well-being and joy of the other person.

The purpose of these letters and the podcast is to lift up ways we may practice I Thessalonians 5:11, which tells us to encourage and to build up one another.

What better way is there to do that than loving one another earnestly from a pure heart – so stretch out and do it!

Joy to you – Stan  

‍© Copyright 2024 E. Stanley Ott

Scripture from the ESV

Show Notes

  1. Who are some people in your life who have loved you earnestly! In what ways do you know their love was in ernest?
  2. Name some of the people in your life - family, neighbors, co-workers - and ask yourself, "Do I honestly love them both earnestly and from a pure heart?
  3. Are there any EGR people in our life right now - "Extra Grace Required?" If so, in what ways will you love them both earnestly and purely?

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About the Podcast

Our heart is to encourage your heart and to encourage you to encourage others.

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Building One Another® is a podcast of Leading Moments®.

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